Entrepreneurship and Management Level 4 and 5 give you the core knowledge and skills to start your own business successfully.

Diploma Level 4 and 5 are equivalent to 1st and 2nd year university, recognized internationally and by SAQA, leading to final year of a Bachelors Degree.

The Modules include learning material, 24/7 tutoring, webinars, videos, exercises, readings and other support, and a Certificate for each Module.

Entry Criteria

Level 4 – Grade 12
Level 5 – Level 4 or equivalent

Level 4 Modules:

Business Operations

Learn key aspects of Business Operations internally and in the environment. Learn the main business functions vital for success.

Business Environment

Explore how the Business Environment affects business, including economic, international, technological  and competitive factors.

Business Planning and Goal Setting

Explore Business Planning and Goal Setting to achieve and monitor success in both new start-ups and existing businesses

Entrepreneurial Management

Explore Entrepreneurial Management as both a function and a process supporting business development, agility and success.

Innovation and Creativity

Understand the role of Innovation and Creativity in business and techniques in entreprenrial business development and success.

Manager’s Toolkit

Explore the Manager’s Toolkit, some of the most useful tools to analyse businesses, develop strategies and solutions to problems.

Managing and Using Finance

Understand Managing  and Using Finance in business, including introduction to accounting,  financial reporting and raising financing.

Managing and Using Marketing

Develop knowledge of Managing and Using Marketing in business, including the marketing mix, planning, internal and external marketing.

Personal Effectiveness

Develop Personal Effectiveness skills including learning, time management, problem solving decision making, and managing stress.

Psychology of Entrepreneurship

Understand the basic Psychology of Entrepreneurship, including motivation, innovation, creativity, achievement, drive, risk and reward.


Level 5 Modules:

The Entrepreneurial Manager

Become an Entrepreneurial Manager – develop the skills and qualities of entrepreneurship in small and large businesses.

Organisation Structures

Explore Organisation Structures, how they function and affect motivation, performance and growth in different organisations

Practical Accounting Analysis

Do Practical Accounting Analysis exercise and understand what they are tell us about assessing and improving performance

Business Planning and Goal Setting

Explore Business Planning and Goal Setting to achieve and monitor success in both new start-ups and existing businesses

Politics and Business

Learn how Politics and Business impact each-other and the economy, including growth, employment, trade and finance.

Business Law

Understand Business Law essentials including laws of contract, employment, companies, directors and international trade

Managing in Today’s World

Explore Managing in Today’s World including technology, change, governance, equity, diversity and environment issues

Performance Management

Understand Performance Management including motivation, rewards, training and development to ensure high performance

Marketing and Sales 

Learn Marketing and Sales essentials including markets, customers, competition, advertising, branding and social media.

Quantitative Skills

Learn Quantitative Skills including practical exercises and how they are used within the context of business and decision-making.