Your Keys to Success 

Business Management Diploma Level 4 and 5 give you the core knowledge and skills for employment and success in Business.

Level 4 and 5 are equivalent to 1st and 2nd year university, recognized internationally and by SAQA, leading to a Bachelors Degree.

The Course includes user-friendly learning material, 24/7 tutoring, videos, assignments, personal support and a Diploma for each Level.

The Duration of each Level 4 and 5 is +/- 12 months, total +/-24 months, depending on your progress and time available.

Entry Criteria

Level 4 – School leaver, 18 years old
Level 5 – Level 4 or equivalent

Level 4 Modules

Developing Personal Skills vital to success in business, including communication, leadership, teamwork and decision making.

Effective Communication skills needed to work well with others in business, such as verbal, non-verbal, email and social media.

The Business Environment as it affects business including economic, political, social, technological and competitive factors.

The Marketing Mix used to build a business including product, packaging, pricing, promotion, advertising, branding and media.

Customers and Customer Service as the focus of business, including customer needs and satisfaction in different organisations.

Strategic Human Resource Management – managing people as the most valuable asset and strategic resource of a business.

Culture and the Organisation – What is culture? How does it affect organisations? Can culture be changed or improved?

Managing Ethically – approaches, principles and issues in managing ethically and how they apply in different organizations.

Fundamentals of Accounting and how it is used to assess the health of a business, including Financial Statements and Reports

Financial Management and Control principles and practices to improve decision making and performance in organisations.


Level 5 Modules

The Entrepreneurial Manager – develop the skills and qualities of successful entrepreneurial management.

Business Planning and Goal Setting – how to do a business plan, achieve and monitor success in new and existing businesses.

Managing in Today’s World of rapid change with technology, governance, equity, diversity, environmental and other issues.

Organisation Structures – how they function and affect motivation, performance and growth in different organisations.

Performance Management principles including motivation, rewards, training and development for high performance.

Marketing and Sales essentials including markets, customers, competition, advertising, branding and social media.

Practical Accounting Analysis – practical exercises in accounting analysis to assess and improve business performance.

Quantitative Skills – practical calculations, exercises and applications within the context of business and decision-making.

Business Law essentials including laws of contract, employment, companies, directors and international trade.

Politics and Business – how they impact each-other and the economy, including growth, employment, trade and finance.

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