Fast Track to an MBA and Postgraduate Diploma
The Fast Track to an MBA comprises the Postgraduate Diploma Level 7-8 and the MBA Dissertation. The Course develops your knowledge and skills to succeed at top level with a World-Ranked MBA, recognized internationally and by SAQA. Graduation
The Entry Criteria are Level 6 or equivalent experience, with Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). The Duration of the Postgraduate Diploma is 12-18 months depending on progress. The MBA Dissertation takes 6-9 months.
The Modules comprise user-friendly online learning material, 24/7 tutoring, personal support, videos, webinars and other resources, with a Certificate for each Module and a final Diploma.
The Assignments focus on practical work-related case studies, solutions to real-world problems and new opportunities, applying your knowledge and skills. The Assignments replace exams.
The Course Fees are Affordable and include student membership of the international Institute of Directors (IOD), a passport to global leadership and business opportunities.
Strategies for Growth – Exploring different strategies, models, ideas and opportunities to plan for growth, and tools, measures and controls to achieve and monitor growth.
The External Environment of Business – Planning for Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, Legal, Industry and Competitive factors.
Strategic Planning Tools – Using a wide range of resources, tools, models and ideas to help create and implement effective business strategies.
Strategic and Systems Management – Exploring options for strategic direction, planning and systems management to make smart choices for your business.
Business Planning – Planning and achieving the business vision, mission, purpose and goals in all areas including marketing, finance, operations and human resources.
The Impact of Technology in Business including e-business, digital marketing, strategic management information systems and other technologies in business.
Innovation and R&D to create ongoing competitive business advantages, including in products, marketing, processes, management, operations and service.
Managing Projects – Using key project management tools to get things done, run projects, implement and monitor strategies in all areas of business.
Managing Quality Systems – Getting things right first time, right every time. The place of quality and systems in business.
Marketing Strategy – Creating a successful market presence. effective marketing strategies and campaigns to build and maintain a winning business.
Analyzing the Competition – What are our competitors doing, how and why are they doing it? Analyzing competitors to enhance our competitive advantages and strategies.
Developing High Performance Sales strategies, skills and teams. Understanding and applying the key elements and secrets of successful selling for high performance.
Effective E-Marketing Communication in todays’ changing technological world, including state of the art diverse social media and email marketing.
Customers and their Needs as the focus of a business, its products, people, performance, service, satisfaction, and customer relationship management.
Developing the Qualities of Effective Leadership and the skills making successful leaders, covering a wide range of approaches by established experts.
Developing Interpersonal Skills – connecting and bonding with people in business, and a range of skills to enhance communication, relationships, personal effectiveness and well-being.
Motivating and Influencing People – Exploring and applying methods to motivate and influence people to enhance direction, purpose and performance in business.
Making Decisions – Applying effective decision-making processes taking relevant factors into account. Doing the right things in the right way at the right time.
Creativity and Problem Solving – Do problems pose a threat or are they an opportunity to improve? Turning problems into solutions and opportunities.
Applying Management Theories and models – how they can be used to manage successful businesses, with real life examples in diverse organisations.
Culture and Ethics and the positive role they can play in the business world today including diversity, cooperation, shared value and overcoming corruption.
Governance and Directorships – Structuring and directing a business professionally, including environmental, social and governance issues.
Strategic Human Resource Management and its central role in the overall strategy and performance of any organization, with people as a strategic pivotal resource.
Recruitment and CPD (Continuing Professional Development) – Getting the best people. Developing the best people. Keeping the best people.
Measuring and Rewarding Performance – Understanding and applying a range of approaches and tools for measuring and rewarding performance in organisations.
Developing High Performance Teams – Exploring methods of developing cohesion and teamwork that enhances business performance, team spirit and well-being.
Interpreting Business Accounts – understanding and applying the tests of business health to improve performance, based on its accounts and financial reports.
Tools of Financial Analysis – understanding and using financial analysis tools and techniques to keep a finger on the pulse of a business and improve performance.
Managing Cash and Working Capital, the lifeblood of business, ensuring healthy cash-flow, efficient management of inventories, accounts receivable and payable.
Exercises in Quantitative Techniques. Understanding and using key figures and calculations for successful business and financial analysis and management.